Posted On: October 30, 2013 Posted By: Stephen Lickert
Camel Football Family —
There is an excitement building around our season and upcoming playoffs. The team is definitely coming together at the right time. With all of that said, sometimes we get reminded that these are more than just games. Here is one example of that…
Campbell County Freshman recently played Beechwood. During that game, Beechwood player Miles Laird made an impression on all in attendance. Read details below.
Good evening,
Dear Freshman Coaches and players,
It’s been almost 2 weeks since our son, Miles Laird, had the night of his life and I have been meaning to send a thank you. Our son was the boy from Beechwood with Down Syndrome who ran the touchdown before the game – with your help. This was such a special moment for him. He has been a water boy since 7th grade but has never had the priveledge of wearing a uniform…not even a helmet. We thought he was just going to get to be part of warm ups and the coin toss. We never dreamed that he would experience running “a play” himself.
Because of your cooperation you created a memory for him he will never forget and made his parents pretty darn happy too! More than that, you touched the entire community and beyond. The whole thing was captured by channel 5 news…I hope you all saw it. It went viral and ran on channel 4 in Nashville and on a TV station in Colorado. There may have been more but I was told of these. There was a twitter campaign (including Peko, Calipari, Frazier, Jeff Ruby) which got it aired on ESPN…we didn’t see it however but our Principal did. Your simple act of kindness spread across the country and touched the hearts of so many. You should be so proud of yourselves and NEVER forget that you can be a positive influence in this world. Use this as the momentum you need to continue to reach out to those in need and make your school, community and world a better place.
We are so thankful for your kindness. One of our son’s greatest gifts is his ability to bring out the best in people. We saw that 2 weeks ago on the football field when you all generously participated in a game changing moment for our son. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
God Bless you all!
With love and appreciation,
Mary Kay and Jim LairdPS – hope you like the picture…it shows the true spirit of team work!
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