Cross Country

Recent Camels XC Results

Posted On: October 12, 2020 Posted By: Stuart Chowning

Highlands Bluebird Results
In Saturday’s race at Highlands, the Camels learned just what “high lands” means when they hit the hilly course the Bluebirds use as their nest! Thank goodness we are no stranger to hills, but in a race setting they can seem much larger!
In the boys race, Josh Yang showed that he likes to fly with the birds and attacked the hill, finishing first for the Camels. and 8th place overall. Oscar Bankemper responded well to the hilly course, coming in 14th and 2nd for the Camels. Following just 4 seconds later, Morgan Reynolds (15th) crossed the line working the hills with great form! Zach Demoss (18th) was the next Camel through the chute, with Garrett Eglian (21st) only 30 seconds behind. Charlie Alford (22) pushed through the tough course and  Brandon Robinson (28) rounded out the Camels squad with a tight finish that had to be checked on camera. The boys 1-5 split was a solid 2:05 and showed the Camels working to get stronger.
In the girls race, Destine Fury led the Lady Camels with an 8th place finish, using her mile pace practice to finish a challenging course in under twenty minutes. Haley Deegan worked the hills as well and finished 11th place. Tricia and Sydney rounded out the Camels in 14th place, putting those hill practices to great use! The girls did not have enough runners for a team score, but used the form and strategy we have learned at practice to attack a tough course.
Bourbon Invitational  Meet Results/ Recap
Saturday’s race was reminiscent of the large meets we are used to, but also very different with the wave starts in each race.  In this invitational, each individual runner for each team started 1 minute apart in separate waves, unable to compare to their teammates. Once all waves and races were completed, the times were combined for final places and points. We knew during the walk on the course it had the potential to be a fast race and the Camels did not disappoint.
In the Lady Camels race, Emilie Zengel was among the best in the state in her wave, and she used that to her advantage.  She was the first Camel to cross the line in 33rd place and just 8 seconds from a Personal Record. Kaitlyn Strange placed 61st, and also finished just 4 seconds shy of her own record, and Noel Slone inched up to finish in the Camels 3rd position in 95th place. Noel’s time was her fastest in two years, showing the Senior is working to go out with her best season. Kylie Little ran her season best time, also far ahead of this time last year. Sophie Loesch stepped into the Camels 5th position to round out the scorers, also with her best time in two years. Abi Bauer continues to work hard and gain that 5K experience and also ran a personal record.  The Ladies’ 1-5 split was a bit further this week, but with being in separate races, it was difficult to judge the pack in the moment. Finishing 14th of 23 teams while missing two varsity runners is a great way to head into our last few weeks of the season.
The boys race also led to a dropping of PRs and Season Bests like they were hot potatoes! Noah Slone’s position in the first wave also put him with the best in the state, and he responded with no reservations. His personal record 16:11 finish not only earned him 9th place in the race, it will put him 4th on the 5K Rankings in CCHS XC history. Adam Ruschman pounded the final 1000 meters to pass up a few runners and finish with a personal record time of 17:42 and 58th place of 186 runners. Colin Grothaus was not to be outdone by his teammates and  upperclassmen, and dropped a personal record of his own at 17:48, and 64th place, just 6 seconds from Adam. Freshman Aiden Bauer put another notch in his 5K belt and ran a personal record, just 50 seconds behind Colin. Brady Baker stepped into the Camels 5-spot with a PR of 18:51, giving the boys a 1-5 split of 2:40. This is still just a little far, but running our best means we are closing in on that. Newcomer Kyle Weinberg (121st)  edged Ethan Schwalbach (122) by 1 second and Corey Robinson by 2 seconds. Had they been in the same wave, that finish would have been fun to watch! This was a Personal Record for Kyle, and a Season best for  both Ethan and Corey.  Dropping 6 PRs and two season bests is certainly evidence of an incredible day of racing and indicative that our Camels are ready to make an impression on the postseason.

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Cross Country
Posted By

Stuart Chowning

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