Posted On: July 31, 2014 Posted By: Mareka Miller
What does C.A.B. do? C.A.B. is a district wide organization that supports all schools, athletic programs and students, coaches, parents and administrators. The organization also encourages school spirit and pride in Campbell County.
The last several years, C.A.B. has purchased equipment and provided money for various athletic teams to support the student/athletes and awarded a $1,000 scholarship to a senior athlete at CCHS.
Starting in 2014 C.A.B. will provide scholarships to Varsity Sports Camps and other Annual Scholarships. To be eligible for a C.A.B. scholarship, you must be a booster member.
How does C.A.B. do this? By organizing and executing fundraisers, Fairground Event Parking, Mulch Sale, Taste of Campbell County, and more importantly, YOUR membership.
Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm
All are welcome to attend the meetings!
There are several ways to join the Camel Athletic Boosters
1. Click on Become a Member under Navigation on the right
2. Complete below form (only 1 needed per family) and mail to:
C.A.B., P.O. Box 11, Alexandria KY 41001
3. Return the membership form and a separate check to your child’s school Athletic Boosters lock box
Each paid membership will receive a Campbell County Boosters car decal.
2014 – 2015 Officers
President – Bob Augspurger Vice President – Ron Crowder
Secretary – Mareka Mason-Miller Treasurer – Bobbie Oldendick
For more information please email:
Connect with Mareka at